
Where Is The Garden Of Eden Ethiopia

FourRivers(l).jpgGod's four Eden rivers in Genesis 2:10-14 God planted Garden East of Eden put man formed in Garden. In Garden of Eden Adam and Eve created by four rivers flowing from Genesis 2:8-14 brings life to the rest of the world. In Middle East to East Africa is Eden but anti-Semitic atheist, racist, evolutionists, divert God's Eden Garden rivers to suit lies, theories. Eden's river Gihon compassing the whole land of Ethiopia in Genesis 2:13. Ethiopia is Cush, Punt, Abyssinia in old Bible texts old maps of Africa deleted by anti-Semitic, atheists, racists. Ethiopia gave world coffee from Kafe is same Cafe Coffee. The Ethiopian royals are descendants of Solomon and Sheba. Ethiopian Eunuch treasure of Ethiopia  Queen Candance in Jerusalem, baptised by Phillip, Acts 8:27. Queen Sheba from Ethiopia East Africa met Solomon in Israel, gave him 120 talents of tons gold, precious stones and abundant spices. In 1 Kings 10-13 Queen of Sheba y ear after year came brought gifts of silver, gold, robes, weapons and spices, and horses and carmels. In 2 Chronicles 9 Queen of Sheba gives Solomon a gift things made from gold, silver, clothes for Solomon's  Temple on Table Mount. King Solomon gave queen of Sheba all she desired and asked from his royal bounty. Many ignorant scholars said Solomon built a palace for her in Zimbabwe as the ruins. Such scholars for 450 years put Ethiopian Sheba at Zimbabwe ruins as gift from Solomon so deleted Ethiopia from the Bible. Zimbabwe ruins confirmed authentic work of Africans but racist government hide truth dehumanise Africans as uncivilized.

In films Bible stories on Solomon and Sheba fascinate people but unaware of distortions in storyline. Sheba was the Queen of Egypt, Yemen Saba, Ethiopia but did not mention Ethiopia in story. Solomon and Sheba's son Menelik went to Israel and then returned to Ethiopia the land of Sheba. So Solomon sent firstborn sons of Israel elders and son from Israel to Ethiopia with Ark of Covenant. It is believed Ark of Covenant resides at Chapel of Tablet next to Church of Maryam Tsion in Aksum, Ethiopia as final resting place of the Ark of Covenant Ethiopians believe. Ark of Covenant resides in the Chapel of the Tablet next to Church of Maryam Tsion in Aksum, Ethiopia. They believe the Ark traveled with Solomon's firstborn son Menelik I from Jerusalem to land of Sheba, Ethiopia. Sheba is ancient Ethiopia or Abyssinia and Yemen. Ethiopians claim through Queen of Sheba their heritage in union with King Solomon. Ethiopian connection is between the kings and Davidic monarchy of Israel. Ethiopian kings are the direct descendants of house of David so rulers by God's divine right Jewish root. Josephus in Ant. 8:165–173 said queen of Sheba queen ofEgypt and Ethiopia came to Israel with first specimens of the balsam growing in Holy Land in historian's time.maryam-sion-in-axum

Ethiopia as 'Zimbabwe' origin of Sheba lied built by Phoenicians Solomon gave Sheba is untrue. For a thousand years a landlocked Ethiopia was unknown not located by such scholars. Solomon gave Sheba gifts in Israel not in Zimbabwe so returned to Ethiopia not to the coveted Zimbabwe ruins lies with her servants. Sheba visited Solomon in Israel after he was made a king by Gihon river in Jerusalem in Israel in 1 Kings 1:33. And David was made Solomon new king by Gihon river Gihon Spring Jerusalem water source in Israel. City wall's west bank in the Kidron Valley Gihon's water source in Jerusalem from Bronze Age 2100 –1550 BC aqueduct height 20 feet by Melchizedek. In 2 Chronicles 32 : 3-4 King Hezekiah blocked off Gihon by military water springs outside city cut off Gihon Tunnel. In Bible Hezekiah conveyed Gihon water Siloam pools to block enemy army surrounding Israel. Hezekiah's Tunnel is still Jerusalem's water system. The Debris under houses block Hezekiah Tunnel in 2 Chronicles 32:30. Hezekiah upper outlet Gihon Spring stops Gihon Spring channel west of City of David. Hezekiah's Siloam Tunnel replaced the bronze Age aqueduct. Pangea_animation_03 Science and Bible history supports facts of Garden of Eden's location extending to Eastern coasts of Africa. Gulf of Eden in East Africa on the Pangea map shows Israel was closer to Africa before drifts of the earth so Garden of Eden is larger scale region. The Genesis 2:10–14 Eden Garden rivers: Pishon, Gihon, C/hidekel (Tigris), Phirat (Euphrates). In 2 Samuel 5:6-10 King David in Israel in c.1004BC In Jerusalem lived in Zion City of David. The Temple Mount bought by David is on a vertical slope Gihon water Spring tunnel fortified wall on top of Ophel Hill under rock in Israel. Warren's Shaft, in old city upper part of Hezekiah's tunnel. Gihonmeans gayach gush, burst forth river in Israel surges at times if rain fall. Gihon ground water spring in caved fill empty cracks in rock siphon to surface. Water accumulate in rock hewn Pool Siloam in Israel shown in this pictures from Israel's Gihon Kidron Valley. 20190910_054713.jpg 20190910_061507.jpg Pool_of_Siloam 15680978310053622292547799077558.jpg 20200520_000943 20200520_000816 12-inside-tunnel_straight-narrow-fpo-SO08This is Hezekiah's Gihon river tunnel is in John 9:1-11 Jesus passed by and saw a blind man. 2 H is disciples asked Master is it the sin of man or parents made him blind? 3 Jesus said, it's not sin but works of God manifests in him. 4. I must work the works of HIM who sent me while its day and night comes when no man can work. 5 I am the light of the world. 6 H e spat on the ground, made clay of spittle, anointed the eyes of blind man with the clay. 7 He told him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam called Sent he went to wash so started to see. 8 People saw blind said is he not the man who sat to beg? 9 This is him and he said, I am the one. 10 They asked how did your eyes open? 11 So h e said Jesus made clay to anoint my eyes told me, Go wash in pool of Siloam and I washed as told so I received my sight.IMG-20200411-WA0002 20200411_120343 IMG-20190915-WA0005.jpg

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Pilgrims way to Temple Mount from pool of Siloam in City of David leads to Western wall his army led by Joab extended to Millo and built the rest of the City's ruins. Joab used Gihon Spring Tunnel to enter old City of Jerusalem conquers Jebusites who taunt the lame to defeat David's soldiers . Inside city David's men captured their fortress through Gihon tunnel water of Warren's shaft. David conquered this ancient Jerusalem city revealed in excavations at City of David in Jerusalem since 19th century. David owns the Temple mount built God's altar to stop plague. Solomon built Temple by the Siloam road Gihon water subterranean system end in red and dead seas. Mount Moriah Table Mount is by Gihon Spring only water source to Temple Mount perfectly fits third Temple Ezekiel location. Shaft discovered by Charles Warren, 19th century explorer. David's men captured Jerusalem surprising the Jebusites bragging their fortress was secure. David's heavily armed men took City defended by climbing through Gihon Spring Tunnel. Before and after David's conquest of Jerusalem Gihon water from Gihon Spring is used in the city of Israel to date. Holy Land Israel's SPRING OF GIHON only river source of Israel in Kidron Valley 300 metres due south of City. This is in a shaft King David's men climbed into city captured in 2 Samuel 5:8. A vertical water shaft David's men climbed to city led by David's general Joab's army in tsinnor. So Joab extended the Millo to Table Mount f irst Temple Solomon built after Tabernacle. Hill of Ophel and Millo spaces used by Solomon's huge army, servants, Temple repairers. Thus occupied Solomon's Temple Mount build on land David bought from Araunah Ornan. As Jesus said abomination sacrilege in Daniel will stop sacrifice. After Six Days War Israel regained their land to the rebuild Temple in the conflicts of Temple Mount. Jesus said in Matthew 24:1; Mark 13:1; Luke 21:1, not one stone left on another destroyed in AD 70 by Romans in Jerusalem.  Jesus said that satan's antiChrist abomination will stand in God's Temple on the Temple Mount. So Solomon's Temple design by God in 1 Kings in 935 BC housed Ark of Covenant stood 400 years in 587 BC Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar ruined. Seven years First Temple ruins until 541 BC Jews returns to Israel their land repairing temple in 535 BC stopped, resumed 520 BC as Darius authorised rebuilt. Second Temple completed in 516 BC Ezra said is bigger than Solomon's first Temple. Herod restored the Second Temple from 20 BC to 64 AD but destroyed 70 AD by Romans. In 361 AD Emperor Julian permitted rebuilding Temple ruined after fires and Galilee earthquakes of 363 AD. Third Temple in Matthew 24; Daniel 9:5; 11:1, Ezekiel 40, Ezra 2:1; 3:7; 5:1, Joel 3:17; Micah 4:1; Zachariah 6:12; 2 Thessalonians 2:1; 1 Kings 1:7; 5:1 third Temple builders of the LORD Yahweh says: Man's name Branch from his place build Temple of the LORD. 13 He is clothed with majesty will sit and rule on his throne as the priest on His throne. 14 A crown given Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah Hen Zephaniah son a memorial in Temple of the LORD. 15 All help build Temple of the LORD Almighty says obey LORD God abomination sacrilege antiChrist in Temple want worship as leader. Jesus said reader to understand it is removing desolation sacrilege that causes global war joined by all nations taking sides.

On hill of Ophel, Ziha, Nethinims dwelt with Ziha and Gispa over the Nethinims. Ophel in Hebrew: עֹ֫פֶל 'ōp̄el in Greek is Ophlas a bible name of south eastern side of temple mount settlement. Nethinim in Ophel near a water gate toward east where a tower stands out. Temple servants lived on hill of Ophel made repairs to temple lived in a servant quarters with Solomon, wives, concubines thousands of Solomon's army lived. Some servants and foreigners and Israeli officials lived in Jerusalem the Holy City. A tenth came to Jerusalem to build Temple lived there in Nehemiah 11:20-23. Rest of Israelites, priests, Levites were in the towns of Judah own family property. Temple staff lived on hill Ophel with Solomon. David had wanted to transform place wheat chaff was separated from wheat into place of sacrifice and worship. This land purchased by David is site of Solomon's temple in 1 Chronicles 21:28-22:5. David bought site of whole area of Mount Moriah for 240 ounces of gold about one hundred thousand dollars. In 2 Samuel 24:24 is smaller amount 20 ounces of silver for only threshing floor. Araunah Ornan told David to take the land free. Let my lord the king do what is good in his eyes. Ornan is kind and generous but David made sacrifice to turn away anger of the Most High God Yahweh. Paid full price for the LORD not offer burnt offerings that costs him nothing. David knew a gift is not sacrifice to the LORD if it didn't cost him money to buy the land. Looked for best way possible to please God for forgiveness stopped the plague.

15685892549156243660776695778231.jpg Solomon fortified wall of Ophel unearthed north of City of David Jerusalem. Solomon's palace is so huge he had 700 wives  and 300 concubines and wives of foreign princesses: Pharaoh's daughter, women from Moab and Ammon, Edom, Sidon, Hittites in 1 Kings 11:3. Solomon's family is too large to fit City of David so built his palace in Ophel, Millo Akra plus had palace at Mageddo. Solomon's huge army in 1 Kings 4:26 had 40,000 stalls of horses 40,000. In 2 Chronicles 9:25 counts horses and chariots altogether in total there is no contradiction. Solomon's 40,000 horses, 4,000 chariots in 1 Kings 4:26; 1 Kings 10:26; 2 Chronicles 1:14 total of 40,000 horses in all locations. 1 Kings 4:26 and 2 Chronicles 9:25 said he had 12,000 horsemen. Chariots are pulled by multiple horses. 2 Chronicles 9:25 chariots and horses are in chariot cities and some with the king at Jerusalem. This points to total chariots and horses in two locations seen by two writers. One writer saw 4000 as another saw 40000 both accurate there is no error. It confirms vast collections forbidden by God but Solomon indulges himself offend God for his vanity. 44000 thousands chariots and horses more like.4,000 chariots, horses, 12,000 horsemen , 40,000 horses total chariot for horsemen in city for the king. Solomon's forty thousand stalls, chariots, horsemen of 1400 chariots, twelve thousand horsemen in cities for chariots for the king in Jerusalem. In 1 Kings 10:26 is 1400 chariots and 12,000 horsemen in city for chariots of the king in Jerusalem. 2 Chronicles 9:25 says Solomon had 4,000 stalls for horses and chariots and 12,000 horsemen. Solomon's chariots, horses horsemen, 700 wives and 300 concubines all cant fit his palace ground Opel in Jerusalem.

15685892549156243660776695778231.jpg Gihon water tunnel dated 10th Century BCE was discovered by City of David . In Strong's Hebrew 6794b tsinnor pipe conduit water spout used by David's General Joab inside Jerusalem. The Gihon tsinnor flowing water tunnel was used to conquer Jerusalem's City. And king David built his palace in Jerusalem after he told his army in 1 Chronicles 11:6-10, "Whoever attacks Jebusites first shall be chief and captain." Joab son of Zeruiah went up first, became chief and captain. 7 David dwelt in stronghold called City of David. 8 He built city from Millo to surrounding areas. Joab repaired the rest of ruined city. 9 David is great because LORD God of hosts iswith him and mighty men of David. 10 David was strengthened in his kingdom. All Israel made him king by the word of the LORDconcerning Israel. Bible shows David and mighty leaders did not confine Israel to 12 acres palace City of David. David's Zion City to Millo extends to Temple Mount after army Captain Joab conquest in 2 Samuel 2-5. Caleb led Israelites in previous conquest of city in Joshua 11:21;14:6- 15. David's army repossessed and extended city to Millo Joab repaired with rest of Jerusalem City. So Joab made captain for extending City of David to Millo reconquered Jerusalem in 2 Samuel 5:9. Temple Mount Moriah place Abraham sacrificed to God by Ophal Israel. Solomon's Temple stood years  at Table Mount in Israel BEC to 928 BCE.

15662943207971563147261305293085 15666400248286791627505959410494 15662945597882388846102832295170In Solomon's reign kingdom gained highest splendour and Solomon is renowned in the ancient world for wisdom, wealth, political and commercial alliances with nations in the region. He built the First Temple of Jerusalem, establishing it as a political capital of kingdom's religious center for Israel. Solomon had alliance with Hiram I King of Tyre who assisted him in numerous projects. Their materials and professional craftsmen in constructing Temple from Tyre chief architect named Hiram in Jerusalem from King of Tyre assisted in construction. A description of Temple by Solomon for God's architecture as required. Is Temple Solomon built plus other buildings in Jerusalem. He spent thirteen years constructing his royal palace on Ophel hill in Jerusalem near the Temple. He also constructed a water system of pools for securing water supply for City and Millo a part of fortifications of the city. Solomon rebuilt major cities and ports of Ezion Gever as a main port of commerce to countries bordering Red and Indian Seas. In Solomon's ships, Hiram's fleets from Ezion Gever to Ophir port enjoyed a great wealth. Solomon received the Ophir tributes of gold, silver, sandalwood, precious stones, ivory and apes plus peacocks each year. Solomon built Tadmor, desert city center of Syria and caravan route linking Persia, Mediterranean ports. Served as the commercial or military outpost, Solomon strengthened and rebuilt City, Hazor,Megiddo,Gezer, built palaces in Megiddo. And priest fetch Gihon water. e35845482ab001dbbfee3d9fd553ed1a Water-Libation-2014 15685895957962845189422719904486.jpg 15685867592604657419321119022907.jpg IMG-20190915-WA0006.jpg Archaelogists unearthed ancient route from Temple Mount to Pool of Siloam that priests fetch water from for libation on God's altar. Pool constructed diverted Gihon Spring river pool of Siloam in the Water ceremony of Feast of Tabernacles the priest takes sacred containers to fill water from Kedron River taken to altar to pour in silver basin. The priest pours water in basin and wine in another. The two mingle as they flowed into the pipe into the river and to the Dead Sea. The water remind Israels of how the LORD brought water out of a rock to quench their thirst when crossing the desert in Exodus. The water ceremony points to the River of Life flowing under God's throne in the New Jerusalem pure river water of life as crystal flows from throne of God in Revelation 22:1. The Gihon River flowed through Kidron Valley Valley of Jehoshaphat in a cave on eastern slope of City of David. The Gihon waters terraced, agricultural plots on slope of the City of David called King's Garden 2 Kings 25:4; Jeremiah 52:7; Nehemiah 3:15. Kidron Valley is deep valley North East Jerusalem. The Kidron is ar northwest of Jerusalem at 2,585 ft at 1½ miles turns south at 2,346 ft valley runs southward joined the other valleys.  Kidron winds in wilderness of Judea ends north-west of Dead Sea. Gihon River runs in the Kidron Valley end in Dead Sea . The Brook Kidron stream freshwater flows in Kidron Valley from Gihon River  Kidron Valley so brook Kidron water from Gihon River. David crossed brook fleeing his son Absalom in 2  Samuel 15: 23. Brook Kidron for destroying idol objects of Jews in demon worship in 1 Kings 15:13; 2 Kings 23:4,6 & 23; 2 Chronicles 29:16; 2 Chronicles 30:14. Valley burial place dead in Jeremiah 31:40. 15662989486731074866030682879497.jpgThe Mikvah in first century used in days of Jesus south of Temple Mount at base of the Double Gate stairs used to baptize some of the 3,000 new Jewish believers on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. Water is used by Jews for ceremonial washing, ritual baths to purify before or after for making them clean. Judaism requires submersion in a mikvah. Temple Mount south filled with mikvah to baptize the converted Jews in Jesus' name change as a sign of new faith. Mikvah's source is running water, spring river and fresh water rain. A Mikvah large to immerse people in. Stairs used to descend in and out of the mikvah. A wall separates the clean side from the unclean to be clean. Our Lord Jesus crossed the brook river on His way to the Gethsemane garden in John 18: 1. Low elevation Kidron Valley has height of  2585 feet gushing waters descends into lower brook. Gihon River in vision of Ezekiel end in Dead Sea as waters out of Temple in Ezekiel 47:8-10, east of Jerusalem to desert wilderness of Judea into the Dead Sea. Living things in rivers will live. There will be great multitude of fish as waters go there for they will be healed so everything will live where the river goes. The fishermen from En Gedi to En Eglaim will spread their nets and mang fish of same fish of Great Sea. But swamps and marshes will not be healed given over to salt in Ezekiel 47: 9 – 11. Eden rivers parts into four heads in Ezekiel vision of Garden of Eden.

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In Genesis 2:8-15 LORD God planted Garden EASTWARD in EDEN; and put there the man HE formed. 9 O ut of the ground the LORD God grows tree pleasant to sight, and good for food; the tree of life in the midst of garden and tree of knowledge of good and evil. 10 A river out of Eden waters the garden parts into four heads. 11. The name of the first is Pison compasseth whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; 12 T he gold of land is good: there is bdellium and onyx stone. 13 N ame of second river is Gihon: compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. 14 The name of third river is Hiddekel: goeth towards East of Assyria. Fourth river is Euphrates. 15 T he LORD  God put Adam in the garden of Eden to dress and keep it. Ethiopia ruled Israel,  Saudi Arabia ancients roots from Ethiopia. Abraham's inheritance lands include Tigris, Euphrates, Gihon, Pishon, White, Blue Niles flow into Ethiopia. Queen Elizabeth II in Ethiopia in 1965 visited Haille Selassie.IMG-20200609-WA0022

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Jesus a Jew from Israel lived in Egypt a baby at 3 years with parents. Salvstion of whole world is in Christ Jesus. And Jerrusalem is mentioned 667 times in Bible is Salem in Genesis 14:18; Zion in Psalm 76:2; Region of "Moriah" in Genesis 22:2. From Millo to Temple Mount was extended by Joab through Gihon water shaft. King Hezekiah "Blocks Gihon Spring to channel water west in City of David in 2 Chronicles 32:30. In 70 AD Roman used Gihon tunnel to kill many Jews hiding in the cave blocked riverflow. In 1 Kings 10:2 Queen Sheba visited Jerusalem and brought Solomon great camel retinue of gold spices, precious stones to Solomon and questions on her mind. In 2 Chronicles 9:9 Queen Sheba gave him 120 talents of gold, precious stones rare spices to King Solomon. In Ezekiel 27:22 traders of Sheba, Raamah trade with Israel exchanged best wares of of all kinds of spices, precious stones gold of Ethiopia. Valley of Eden by River Pison and Gihon in Ethiopian Aden Gulf in Hebrew is Eden delight or pleasure. Adin exile return to Israel from Babylon on Aliyah Operation Moses. Ethiopians and black Jews a fter 2,000 years exile return to Jewish homeland. In Isaiah 11:11-12 the LORD AGAIN recover all lost Second TIME with HIS HANDS remnant people from Assyria, Egypt, Cush, Pathos, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, islands of sea. God lifts standard for Israel against the nations restores dispersed Judah from four corners of the world. Prophesy restoration of voice of joy (sason) gladness (simchah) is heard after pain in Jeremiah 33:10–11. Centuries of Beta Israel of Gonda and Abraham of Addis Ababa and Gefat, Woliso, Hosanna endured persecution felasha foreign status Ethiopia tribe of Dan. Thousands rescued to Israel in massive airlifts of 1984, 1985, 1991 Aliyah return of African Jews to homeland Israel. Ethiopia was not colonised by Europe and Italy tried, defeated is so significant. History redacts foreign powers exploiting Ethiopian wealth in books. Ethiopia in Bible with past documents of visits to Israel Canaan, wars, vassal tributes, conquests in ancient times. Israel part of East Garden of Eden in Middle East. World history from Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses of Jesus' future return to earth to rule as the KING of Kings in Israel.

1568033103869420643029032522070.jpg FourRivers(l).jpg cush.jpg 15524023705401616656549.jpg wp-1551529099592..jpg 9cbc3bf59efca1021f6ee1212780e857 H.I.M Empress Shebah Sai'Ra is Queen Shebah lll Nubia-Sheba Matriarch of the Federation of Kingdoms and Thrones of African Continent Kingdoms Federation in 2008 in Ivory Coast. In ancient times Queen Sheba or Saba Bilqis ruled from Marib in Yemen town located about a hundred miles east of Sanʿa on edge of desert. Centuries ago Maʾrib was capital of the trading kingdom of Sabaa,  Sheba. Maʾrib dam monuments river irrigation system. Ethiopian history in Bible shows four rivers origin is one of four rivers in Eden, waters Garden parts of four heads. First river Pishon join the Euphrates from Babylon Iraq Abraham's home country into Saudi Arabia to Kuwait encompasses whole land of Havilah Egypt. A ncient maps shows Abraham went to Egypt when famine hit the land of Canaan.Abram stayed in Egypt in Genesis 12:8-13:2 during severe famine and over land disputes in Genesis 12:6;8-9. Abraham's economic conditions forced him take all his family into Egypt hundreds of miles from God's promised land Canaan in Genesis 12:10 and later returned to Israel. 15686371235835954419660177108723.jpg Abraham feared Egyptians may take Sarah his beautiful wife told Sarah to say, she is his sister not his wife. Pharaoh, invited Sarah "to Pharaoh's house" in Genesis 12:15 . "The LORD afflicted Pharaoh and his house with great plagues" in Genesis 12:17 . Pharaoh found out he had taken another man's wife in a dream returned Sarah to Abraham, orders them to leave Egypt in Genesis  12:18-19 . Pharaoh enriched them with gold, silver, sheep, cattle, donkeys, servants, camel gifts in Genesis 12:16 –  13:2. Abraham's wealth is increased due to royal gifts and saved from famine. Hebrew nomads, Hittite warriors or Phœnician traders in Egypt refuge. Genesis 12:10 FIRST mentioned in Bible on Egypt of ancient Mizraim Noah's grandson in Genesis 10:6 and 13. Solomon's political alliance with Egypt as lucrative trading partner is source of abundant fine military horses, married Egyptian princess against God's command. Solomon built pagan high places in Israel for idolatry in God's nation . Rabshakeh of Assyria warns Hezekiah 2 Kings 18:24not seek Egyptian help. God used Tirhakah king of Cush, Egypt to defeat Assyrian invaders in 2 Kings 19 : 7-9 andIsaiah 37:7-9.15682703414154263041203114194172.jpg People fled to Egypt for safety, prosper like Hadad Edomite fled from Solomon to Egypt married pharaoh's sister-in-law in 1 Kings 11 . The Judean refugee kidnapped Jeremiah Nebuchadnezzar's conquest of Judah fled to Egypt in direct disobeys God's command suffered for it. Nebuchadnezzar went to Egypt destroys them. As Abraham's wife Sarah given Hagar servant fromEgypt  in Genesis 16:1 is mother of Ishmael thrown out after Isaac promised child was born. In Genesis 20:1-18 Abraham in Egypt a second time in Negeb settled in Gerar near Kadesh and Shur Abraham said, Sarah is his sister. King Abimelech of Gerar sent, took Sarah. 3 God came to Abimelech in dream told him, "You will die because of the woman take n she is a married woman." 4 Abimelech said, "LORD, will you destroy innocent people? 5 he said to me, 'She is my sister, she said, 'He is my brother.' I did this in integrity of my heart so innocent. 6 God said, 7 return the man's wife, he is a prophet and will pray for you to live. If you do not restore her you will die and all your family. So 8 Abimelech rose early morning called his servants and told them. 9 Abimelech called Abraham and said to him, "Why did you lie to sin against me to guilt trip my k ingdom?  10 Abimelech said to Abraham, "Why?  11 Abraham said, "With no fear of God may kill me, take my wife. 12 Said is my sister not wife. 13 God called us from my father's house. 14 Abimelech gave sheep, oxen, slaves, restored Sarah to him. 15 Abimelech said, "My land will settle you 16 "I give you a thousand pieces of silver 17 Abraham prayed God so healed Abimelech wife and slaves bore children. 18 The LORD closed wombs of Abimelech home because of Sarah then opened womb for children . 156833171072865783293502443737.jpg They lived in Egypt some time until return to Canaan Israel to settled on the Covenant land God gave them. Egypt is also Havilah  in Bible in Genesis 25:17-18 is the territory of Ishmaelites from Havilah to Shur, Egypt. In Genesis 37:36 Midianites sold Joseph to Potiphar's wife courtier of Pharaoh. Genesis 39:1, Genesis 37:28 says the Ishmaelites and Midianites sold Joseph to Egypt. Ishmaelites are Hagar's descendants from son Ishmael. In Genesis 16:12-15, Ishmael means God Hears12 Jehovah heard Hagar so is against anyone whose hand is against Ishmael. 13 Hagar told Jehovah, "You are God of Sight I saw God who sees me 14 at Be′er-la′hai-roi Well of Living God Who Sees Me Kadesh and Bered 15 where Hagar and Ishmael lived. 16 Abram was eighty-six years as son Ishmael born after 14 years Isaac was born 15687142430049089118138615209448.jpgHagarand Ishmael, son of Abraham lived in wilderness. Abraham's grandson is Kedar is second son of Ishmael in Genesis 25:13 who founded Kedar city mentioned Twelve times in Bible. They lived in black tents in Psalms 120:5, Song of Solomon 1:5 were archers like Ishmael in Isaiah 21:17 ruled by princes in Ezekiel 27:21. Descendants of Kedar traced lineage back to Abraham. Kedar is located on the map is Kedar or Qedar comes from a Hebrew word "swarthy or dark skinned." So Bible refers to black race proves God loves the dark skinned grandson of Abraham. Ishmael's sons had dark skinned as Hagar was black. And Ishmael's Egyptian wife in Genesis 21:21 was dark skinned. Ishmael is mixed dark skinned from Hagar's skin. The first Arabs had dark skin as Qedarites trace lineage to Ishmael and Abraham. In Arabian geographical location of Arabian Peninsula Kedar "dark skinned" people are the Arabs.20190913_194214.jpg 15685657376784394055543717402154.jpg Tabula Rogeriana by Al-Idrisi for Roger II of Sicily in 1154 is the Middle East. FourRivers(l).jpg 15648372235917629271251405262096.jpg 1552837820475434421470.jpg 15682686156665813338299778105117.jpg 15682720028255095130521761616603.jpg 15686470085808254170358454686000.jpg 15686470728505025652900209887770.jpg 15682690321221277149341582620648.jpg 15686469330512218089448330276712.jpg mourning-for-jacob-at-goren-ha-atad-thetorah-com 1568647181674979421632014644731.jpgIn Genesis 46 Joseph took Jacob and whole family to Egypt. Jacob-Israel his father set on journey with all he had so at Beer-sheba offered sacrifices to ALMIGHTY God of his father Isaac. The whole family moved from Canaan to Egypt, join Joseph Prime Minister because of famine to buy grain from Joseph in disguise later revealed. After the death of Jacob, Joseph's entourage went to bury him in Canaan Israel in Genesis 50:1-14. Joseph, his brothers, and a large envoy travelled to Canaan to bury Jacob who was embalmed in Egypt. Despite their fears, Joseph told his brothers he will not take revenge for selling him after their father's death. Before death at age 110, Joseph made his brothers swear to take his embalmed body into Canaan. So they did but his tomb exists in Egypt. They took Joseph's bones in Exodus as requested to bury in Israel with his fathers. Jews lived in Egypt including Abraham, Joseph, Jacob and twelve sons tribes of Israel. Baby Jesus, Joseph and Mary made journey to Egypt on donkey, carmels, boats, rivers, by sea terrain on known rivers Gihon and Pison. 1 Samuel 15:7-8 scolds Saul who kept Amalekite Agag of Havilah. Egypt's gold, oil, bdellium, onyx stones jewels are the jewels of heaven. River Gihon,Pison encompassed the whole lands of Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia Cush Abyssinia to Punt East African countries. Ancient Bible says Ethiopia is Cush, Kush Abyssinia Abyss lowest point of earth gorge. And Khufu built Great Pyramid of Geeza in 2250 BC diverted water from Nile so ships sailed with heavy tons of stones cut from quary for buildings. Built an artificial waterway to carry white limestone casing stone granited moved by vast transport network into the harbour to tranport tools, copper imports, wood from Lebanon, white stone for his huge pyramid infrastructure projects to Giza plateau. The Nilometer used measure the flood situation so this gave king control over the lands and the people. The king's success and strength tied to Nile with power over workforce. The natural goods and materials to build Sphinx created new sophisticated city. Khufu Khum – Khuf, Chnum, Chueful, Cheops in Greek. He created waterway systems diverting the Nile affectingPison andGihon. Other rivers in the world are diverted for dams, industries, cotton production in Austrialia or Scotland China, empties riverstream canals and old riverbeds lying dormant all over the world. In 1279 BC Rameses II built pyramids, after diverting Nile Delta used to be 7 heads 2 left for waterways. Into cities, streets, buildings temples, palaces workers quarters at Qantid. Magnetic Gradiometer sound devices scans contour ancient riverbeds for transporting ships, granites, dredged to check changing courseways of silted canals of Nile. Created new rivers he diverted for irrigation canals. Ethiopian gold mines made Egypt rich in the 15th century BC gold common as dust. Son of Pharaoh, Prince of Kush, Amenhotep IV (1370 BC), a religious reformer, built second greatest temple columns on landscape of the Sudan. Subdued the black Pharaoh in Nubia. So Ethiopian Kush, Nubia, Punt wealth built Egypt ancient ancestors of Saudi Arabia.FourRivers(l).jpg 15683968616968308979091879334467.jpg 15677186076553896416336977847825.jpg 15679529837423339006165788728433.jpgSo 15th century BC Thutmose's coronation Nubians rebel against Egypt rule. In tomb autobiography of Ahmose son of Ebana , a Thutmose ruled Egypt in time of Moses so traveled Nile to fight battle killed Nubian king his body hung from prow of his ship to Thebes Egypt . On a s econd expedition against Nubia in third year dredged new canal of first cataract built of Sesostris III of 12th dynasty and travelled upstream from Egypt to Nubia. He joined Nubia and Egyptian empire as the two inscriptions of king's son Thure said: In year 3, first month, third season, day 22, majesty of king of upper to lower Egypt Aakheperre gave Majesty command to dig canal after he found stones stopped ships sailing on it. He sailed canal in victory in power on return overthrew Kush . In second year of Thutmose's reign king cut stele Tombos, fortress built the third cataract to extend Egyptian military presence from Buhen from second cataract. He f ought in Syria beginning of second regnal year, a s econd farthest campaign in north by as Egyptian ruler to set up stele and cross Euphrates River. Syrian prince alliance to Thutmose discontinued tribute city fortified against future incursions. Thutmose celebrated his victories with elephant hunt in area of Niy  by Apamea in Syria back to Egypt, said Euphrates "inverted water" flowed upstream, it ought to flow downstream. Euphrates is first major river Egyptians encountered flowing north downstream Nile. South upstream Nile river is known in Egypt as "inverted water." So Thutmose faced military rebellion from Nubia in his fourth year. His influence expanded south, on inscription dated to his reign to south as Kurgus on fourth cataract. In his reign built project to end Nubian independence in next 500 years. Aksum Ethiopia Empire crushed reign, burnt Nubia to establish 3 churches. L azer technology satellite device of modern archaeologist image photos scan reveals old riverbed in sandune near ancient pyramids. 1552837820475434421470.jpgOld riverbedsGihon, Pison affected by the Aswan Dam passing through Nile regions so disrupted ancient topologies. The third river Tigris joins Euphrates with tributaries forms major river systems. Eastern Asia river links Turkey, Syria, Kuwait, Saudi Arabian source origins in Iraq to Armenian area in the past Tigris, Hiddekel towards east of Assyria. In Genesis 2:14 the third river Hiddekel flows in front of Assyria. In Daniel 20:4, he stood by the rivers of Babylon. This fourth river Euphrates in Kuwait to Iraq to Saudi Arabia joins Gihon in North East African countries. The Semitic influence entered Abyssinia 7th or 8th century BC. as Kings of Axum descend from Menelek, Son of Solomon. Axum in 1st century AD rich ancient capital great period to 19th century. Abyssinia kings travelled by trade routes on land or sea from Africa into middle East. Incense, frankincense, myrrh, gold, spices, slaves traded centuries before Europeans arrived in Africa. Eden Garden is in Israel include Table Mount Garden Adam and Eve lived in thrown out moved to Adam City in Israel Enoch lived in City of Adam. So river extends to Middle East to Turkey this is taught in education but Eastern African Eden Valley countries Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia Abyssinia in Genesis deleted from Bible. And Noah's Ark at Ararat Gobetepli in Turkey in Biblical history but not all these African parts of Eden. Israel and the Middle East archaeology topology publish Eden but not these locations of Eden in Africa. Part of Garden of Eden river Gihon is in Jerusalem in Israel. Garden of Eden river in Jerusalem extend to parts of Garden of Eden in Turkey where Noah's ark is found on Mount Ararat.20210102_211427 IMG-20210102-WA0002 IMG-20190908-WA0004.jpg 15679500989495594075880637702212.jpg 1567950149560246336278783638274.jpg 15679499694017847668747951209845.jpg IMG-20190908-WA0005.jpg FourRivers(l).jpg 15662531969842340283848650706831.jpg 1566252867794131423699104839184.jpg Judges 3:20-31;4:9;5:1-4 in time of Deborah and Barak 1 Ehud died so Israel did not obey the LORD. 2 Jabin king of Canaan's army led by Sisera attacked Israel in battle. Jael, wife of Heber gave Sisera milk to drink, took her tent peg and hammer and killed him. So God intervened and Jabin's army captain a cruel oppressor escaped but fell into hands of Jael a woman as verse 4:9 predicted. Sisera fled to tent of Heber the Kenite, whose wife Jael met Sisera told him to turn and rest. Seeing weary Sisera, Jael covered him with mantle, so he asked for water but gave him bottle of milk to drink. He fell asleep, Jael drove tent nail into his head pinned him to the ground and Israel won in victory. And DNA analysis of 400 ancient remains in Europe published in Nature of Beaker people show they drank milk traced in beaker pottery. Replaced  90% of British gene pool in a few hundred years. History confirms Anatolia Turkey built huge monument construction. Archaeology pieces of pottery excavated synchronize Canaanite extension of Garden of Eden into Turkey in the Jael milk story from Exodus in Egypt. 20190910_203600.jpg Prof David Reich from the Harvard Medical School in Cambridge, US said: "the people in Britain lived hunting, gathering 6,000 years ago. Neolithic farmers, who traced origins to Anatolia Turkey built giant stone megalithic structures Gobekli Tepi like the stonehenge in Wiltshire with huge rocks, earth mounds and sophisticated settlements as Skara Brae in Orkneys. At the end of Neolithic age 4,450 years ago new ways of life spread to Britain from Europe. People began burying dead in stylised bell-shaped pots with copper dagger arrowheads, stone wrist guards, perforated buttons. Co-author Dr Carles Lalueza-Fox, of Institute of the Evolutionary Biology (IBE) in Barcelona, Spain, said that Beaker traditions started kind of fashion in Iberia 5,000 years ago. A culture spread fast by word of mouth into Central Europe adopted exploded in all directions by movement of people. Study of Beaker phenomenon in Europe DNA shows remains from Holland, Spain and the Czech Republic, Italy and France. This tallies with living Biblical history of the past. In 2 Kings 6:1-7 sons of prophets told Elisha, the place we dwell with you is too small. 2 Let us go to Jordan to get beams to the expand place to dwell. They went 3 with the prophet to help his servants. 4 to Jordan to cut wood. 5 A xe head fell in water one said, "Master it was borrowed." 6 T he man of God said where is it place you cut wood used stick cast into the water and the iron swam up. 7 Said, t ake it took it in his hands. So neolithic bronze age used metal tools seen at archaeological site. 15662319479053946165838556539094.jpg 20190904_192054.jpg downloadfile-59.jpg Ezekiel 28:12-19 says the LORD God told the devil once full of wisdom, perfect in beauty 13 to leave Eden Garden of God's precious gemstone covering sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, emerald, gold carbuncle. 14 An anointed archangel cherub set in holy mountain of God, walked up and down stones of fire. 15 Was p erfect in all his ways as created until iniquity found in him. 16 Due to pride, m ultitudes of merchandise and violent sin cast out destroyed by God. 17 So h eart lifted because of beauty corrupted wisdom brightness cast to ground before all kings that see him. 18 D efiled sanctuaries by multitudes of iniquities trafficked destroyed  in the sight of all. 19 Thrown out is no more with God is crushed by God's Seed Son Jesus. 0ac79cb3716f1e439d513652155731cf 20200425_231656So Canaan Israel is part of Garden of Eden there God told Adam and Eve HE WILL send Seed of the woman Jesus to crush the head of devil serpent in Genesis 3:15. God threw out Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:21 God first sacrificed animals used skins to cover Adam and Eve in Genesis 4:4. God accepted animal sacrifice of Abel. Eden Garden in Israel, Iraq and Iran to Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia. After Noah's flood the sons of Noah formed three continents of all nations in Genesis 10. People moved kept their languages, names, customs, food, clothing styles and renamed places to remind them of their original root origins. They kept memory, traditions alive passed through generations. Places, regions retain past ancient names unfamiliar to the modern generations. Conquerors renamed some places to erase past memory existence ancient maps have ancient names different to modern names of some of the regions. Its not known by many people their ancestors were compelled to hide or changed identity to survive or wiped out by enemies. This is why inconsistency in history seems an error but deeper understanding through research reveals better knowledge to educate and to bring awareness of all humanity's ancestry.2f509d0d1f7b2fbc98328480d2ea46c5 24d9b0c4fc9540d54b433e2f805e7995 7246116_orig 2-table-nations-3 fourriversl e4cd05660ff2d14c9d31614298405dad maps-bible-archeology-exodus-arabia-midianites-ishmaelitesHavilah in Genesis 2:11-12 refers to the land and people in the Bible. Other places are in East Africa in Genesis 10:7 and Middle East. Four rivers flow around these whole lands into Egypt and Africa. Moses lived in Egypt married Kushite Ethiopian wife Zipporah is Tzipora. Moses travelled in these wilderness for 40 years knew terrains of African land's four rivers in Eden Garden. Moses saw God face to face lived took the 10 comandments twice and ate with God. Of Zipporah Moses' wife, LORD in Numbers 12:1-2;12:15 heard racism of Aaron and Miriam. Miriam (מִרְיָם Mir-yām) is sister of Moses and Aaron. God struck her with leprosy for racism. Exodus halted till healed before nation went to Israel. Leader Miriam should zip her mouth as a good example to others but involved Aaron her brother into hatred gossip. God taught her the life lesson with her leprous skin never to criticise God's creation. Miriam watched baby Moses in the Nile river Egypt three months as Jochebed hid Moses to keep him safe. Then Pharaoh's daughter found; named Moses in Exodus 2:6 opening basket saw baby boy Moses. Egypt's king Pharaoh helpsJochebed hide Moses on Nile saved in baby basket, Pharaoh decreed Jewish boys be killed. Midwives told to kill Jewish baby boys at birth refused because of increase in Jewish population in Egypt. The God fearing Egyptian midwives did not kill Moses his life was preserved. God rewards midwives with houses in Exodus 1:15-22. So baby Moses is hidden saved from slaughter like the escape of baby Jesus into Egypt from Herod in Israel Jerusalem who killed infants by jealousy. Moses lived in Egypt 40 years he run away from Thutmose lll into wilderness  another 40 years. Moses was tutored so well educated in royal palace knew how to read and write history of Israel, Egypt, geography topologies of terrain of the four Eden rivers.15686251844283381881247173913443.jpg 1568620436745730804050576265540.jpg IMG-20190916-WA0001.jpg 15686207609434993439312611703683.jpg 15686205902003824828866856449128.jpg 15686214309711152825493813214388.jpg IMG-20190916-WA0003.jpg 15686244064321287431179337905459.jpg IMG-20190916-WA0005.jpg 1568627130021804035777814808417.jpg IMG-20190916-WA0004.jpgAfter crossing red sea in Exodus 14,nGod's Ten Commandments given in Exodus 20:1-17 to guide Hebrews and converts in Israel. 15686272395703417973366632027163.jpg Moses knew terrain so planned escape route unfamiliar to Pharaoh's men chasing them. Garden of Eden's river Gihon in Jerusalem but the western imperialist white historians dismiss Africa as vast wasteland waiting for 'civilisation' by Europeans. But Europeans exploit gold, wealth, African rich resources. African scholars wrote civilisations of Great Zimbabwe and empire of Mali, kingdom of Benin. But African gold looted is in Western banks all over the world as Africans suffer.  Mansa Musa in 1324 is from Mali travelled with an entourage of 60,000 people from his empire, one of the richest kings in the world had a caravan of travelers, 12,000 servants accompanied him. Each wore valuable silks, carried four pound bars of gold. 80 Camels carried between 50 and 300 pounds of gold dust each, given to the poor enroute. Exotic animals, people from all walks of life helped make the journey regions attest grandeur of procession. Empires of Medieval West Africa Ghana, Mali, and Songhay David C. Conrad 2010 in Juvenile non fiction: Al-Idrisi wrote in 1154, natural gold nugget in the king's palace was so big the reins of king's horse was tied to it. African continent's goldbar wealth systems of commerce, intellectuals exists centuries before the Europeans arrive and took the African artefacts to European museums. Due to racism some whites reject African roots of Mitochondrial Eve. God designed black women to give birth to white people still happening today all over the world.15680449437944780065845189322578.jpg 15681882045233373180402336279211.jpg 15681878178746073505083208714881.jpg 15681879765853750544864654898271.jpg 15681880880184163077243478233965.jpg 15681889189977657845160246252712.jpg 20200425_233039 IMG-20200424-WA0000 downloadfile-44 20200430_230124 20200426_151234 20200517_104929 20200426_152124 20200427_102538

Isaac and Rebecca 4,000 years ago in Bible in Genesis 25:1-24 had fraternal twins Jacob and Esau black and white. Abraham's son is identified with God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob more than 30 times in Bible. Isaac lived 180 years and Jacob 147 years. Almighty God the Creator of all people shows miracle wonders proves blacks and whites from SAME STOCK in Bible. Racists relocate the Garden of Eden outside African civilisation but their wealth and resources from Africa; under economic slavery of the Western countries dominating them. African resources exploited cause war conflicts in Africa, centuries. Museums filled with African artefacts are highly developed from communities far ahead but labelled by derogatory terms of insult. History written conquerors play victims, enjoy riches from Africa. So living history of ancient Africa in Bible redacted or deleted in new textbooks. The propaganda image projected on African continent suits exploitation. Shown on TV as inferior, poor incapable as source of wealth, and riches. Perfect narrative for controlling the resources from Africa. Association with the African parts of Garden of Eden in Bible airbrushed by racists to remove the African names pretend four rivers not into Africa. IMG-20190905-WA0006.jpgIn 1868, 13,000 British troops storm fortress of Ethiopian emperor Tewodros II. L ooted three tier crowns, throne, imperial seal and golden chalice, processional crosses, altar tabots known as Maqdala Treasure lots of early Christian manuscripts from Abyssinia. Took the King's son Alemayehu aged seven to Britain sent to Windsor Castle and lived as ward of Queen Victoria but died eleven years later short of nineteenth birthday. And 350 of the books from initial haul in British library's collection acquired by Sir Richard Holmes in the British Museum's manuscript department. Loot taken by soldiers loaded on 15 elephants, 200 mules from Maqdala some in British Museum's collection British library in 1973. After securing these golden artefacts destroyed Ethiopia's fortress, took hundreds of precious items. Anna Codrea-Rado of New York Times said the selection of artifacts looted during Battle of Maqdala, as conflict known on display in new exhibition Victoria and Albert Museum in London. The director of museum indicated the institution is open to returning artifacts to Ethiopia on long-term loan, 150 years after taking from their country. Maqdala 1868 ," is exhibition title, showcasing a number of artifacts from former Ethiopia Abyssinian Empire. Once flourished in areas of modern-day Ethiopia and Eritrea. The items on display are golden chalice, ornate, three-tiered crown, dresses belonging to Ethiopian Queen Terunesh.1552863434381-1603719057.jpg IMG_20190317_120309.jpg 15685441106361429244671439916399.jpg 15685440748807277633702931880292.jpg 1552823160533434421470.jpg 15528233108401871564864.jpg 155295104527171588911.jpg Egyptians and Ethiopians first contact dates to nearly seven thousand years in ancient Egyptians records. The expedition to land of Punt under Sahure Fifth Dynasty. Punt gold dates to earlier time's rule of King Khufu's Fourth Dynasty. Ancient Egyptians called the place Ta-neter or Gods' Land viewed as a land of great fortune. They regularly trade with Ethiopian partners in Punt to acquire gold, incense, ebony, ivory, exotic animals, skins, slaves. Piye at Jebel Barkal, " Amun of Napata ruler of foreign countries in Thebes ruled black land Kendall said of lower Egypt Nubia. Piye's successor, Shabaqo defeated Saite kings of northern Egypt 711-710 BC to installed king in Memphis to e stablish ties with Sargon II . Piye's son Taharqa attempts to regain Egyptian influence Near East and aided King Hezekiah attack of Sennacherib and Assyrians in 2 Kings 19:9; Isaiah 37:9. In besieging Assyrian army to take Jerusalem failed . Hezekiah built aquaeduct over river Gihon to cut off Sennacherib army but king Hezekiah shows off wealth to Babylonians punished i n 2 Kings 17-20:13, Isaiah 36-39 so angered God. Assyria records Hezekiah was forced to pay tribute to the Assyrian King Sennacherib he defeated Ethiopian Taharqa   drove out Kush Nubia rulers from Egypt to Sinai and ruled Egypt. Pyramids of Nuri, built in reigns of Taharqa and Nastasen. P ower of 25th Dynasty climax under Taharqa. Nile valley empire Kingdom rev ived Egyptian culture r eligion, arts, and architecture restored to glorious old middle, and new kingdom forms. Nubian Pharaohs  rebuilt temples and monuments in the Nile valleys, including Memphis, Karnak, Kawa, and Jebel Barkal. So 25th dynasty Nile valley first constructed pyramids in Sudan since Middle Kingdom. Kushites developed script Meroitic alphabet , influenced by Egyptian writing systems circa 700–600 BC in royal court and major temples. Taharqa defeated Assyria in 674 BC in 671 BC, helped by Put and Lubim in Numbers 3:9. Tahaqa ruled in Egypt from 640 – 664 BC 25 Dynasty till 1200 BC in Numbers 12:1 Ethiopia helped saved Hebrew Jerusalem from enemy destruction in Isaiah 37:10-11 in 680 BC defeats Assyrian k ing Esarhaddon took Memphis. Ethiopian Taharqo retreats to south his heir family is by Assyrian prisoners. The native Egyptian vassal ruler Esarhaddon was puppet unable to retain full control Taharqa regained grip in control of Memphis. Esarhaddon 669 BC attacked Taharqa but died on way to Egypt. Ashurbanipal defeated Taharqa who died later. Tantamani attempts to regain Egypt, successfully defeats Necho, takes Thebes in the process. Assyrian military presence in the north sent large army south in 663 BC. Tantamani routed by Assyria army ransacks Thebes it never recovers. Tantamani chased to Nubia never threatened Assyrian Empire again. A native Egyptian ruler, Psamtik I put on throne is vassal of Ashurbanipal. The last links between Kush and Upper Egypt ends in hostilities with Saite kings in 590s BC. The Meroitic kingdom Aethiopia Kush capital at Meroe last to 4th century AD captured burnt to ground by kingdom of Aksum Ethiopia. In Nubia establish three Christian kingdoms of Nobatia, Makuria, Alodia. A Church carved out of rock in Christian Kingdom of Axum in Ethiopia Abyssinia since 4 th century, u nder leadership of the Axumite rulers. Ethiopia continued to flourish in Christian kingdom over 660 years. Christian Ethiopia has other main centres of Christianity like Alexandria in North Egypt, Latin Church in Europe and Byzantine Empire. The Axumite kingdom conquered in 960AD by female leader Gudit (Judith) defeat king Hasani, attempt to wipe out royal family. Gudit writers say a native Ethiopian Jewish tribe traced ancestry back to time before biblical Scribe Ezra in 460BC or south Ethiopia. Gudit was antiChristian, destroyed churches & Christian monuments. Gudit or successors ruled Ethiopia from 960 AD to late 10 th early 11 th century. The Mara Takla Haymanot of Agaw tribe's Ethiopian throne founded Zagwe dynasty emperors. The most famous king or emperor of the Zagwe dynasty is Emperor Gebre Mesqel Lalibela (Servant of Cross), Saint Lalibela reigned 1181-1221 AD. Born in Roha capital city of Zagwe kings, renamed Lalibela in his honour rock hewn churches built, emperor of Ethiopia though not heir to throne. Not popular with members of royal family, king Lalibela's uncle sent him into exile. Y oung Lalibela received divine instruction to build 10 churches from the Archangel Michael.cush1.jpg 15474064247451824446760.jpg Eden is mentioned in Ezekiel 31:8-9 as a r oot of great waters. 8 The cedars in G arden of God could not hide HIM the fir trees were not like HIS boughs and chesnut trees were unlike HIS branches or any tree in G arden of God like unto HIM in HIS beauty. 9 M ade fair by multitudes of his branches all trees of Eden in Garden of God envied him." The Bible says Assyria in Lebanon "trees" refer to men and leaders. Cedar trees in the Bible refere to Lebanon in Judges 9:15, Psalms 29:5 & 104:16, Song of Solomon 5:15, Isaiah 2:13, Jeremiah 22:23 and others . Trees with "Eden" in the Garden of God." Lebanon was part of Biblical lands ruled by Kings of Israel in the past. Garden flows through the source rivers from Tigris and Euphrates into Iraq into Kuwait. The Garden through the land of Lebanon. Gihon Jerusalem river flow by Red Sea basin southeast to Africa's Afar Triangle. Is river " compasseth whole land of Ethiopia in Genesis 2:13 and whole lands of Havilah Egypt to Nubia Sudan, Kush Aksum Ethiopia all part of geology. Ethiopia before tectonic drifts of continents and Yemen. Onyx shows gold of land is good so is bdellium and onyx stone" part of river Pison to south of Yemen. Bible text geology paths of red lines on map show four-rivers Gardens of Eden flowing to Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia. Rock Art in the Nile Valley and Red Sea carvings in desert show ships travelled from Babylon, Iraq by sea to Yemen, Ethiopia to Egypt, recorded by David Rohl, Egyptologist in book of History of an Ancient Egypt in documentary Yesterday TV.155295406138271588911.jpg Herodotus wrote in 450 BC of boat survived well-preserved in Nile silts. Acacia planks held it together by long tenon-ribs is almost 2m long fastened with pegs, creating lines of 'internal ribs' in hull. Steered using an axial rudder with two circular openings for oars and step for mast towards centre of vessel. Robinson said: "Planks joined together form hull, usually joined by mortice tenon joints to fastens plank to next. Completely unique form of construction unseen anywhere else. Alexander Belov, in book on wreck, Ship 17: Baris from Thonis-Heracleion published said wreck's nautical architecture is unique. Also dhow trading vessels carried all items fruits, fresh water, heavy merchandise on coasts of Eastern Arabia states of Persian Gulf to East Africa, Yemen, silk coastal South Asia, India and China silk road. Caravan trade routes by land through desert or sea . Larger dhow's crews of thirty small ones twelve plus cargo. D how in history between 600 BC to 600 AD on rivers and sea transportations exists but ship carry people, containers and goods in modern times. Saudi Arabia and Yemen fits into East Africa rift putting the fourth river rightly in basin of Great Rift system flowing East to Afar Triangle. In Bible geologic event after Noah's Flood divided Earth in Genesis 10:25 & 1 Chronicles 1:19 in the Rift valley in Abraham's days in Genesis 19:28 . Dead Sea river bed Jordan River land surfaces at the bottom covered by Red sea and Nile rivers people travelled or traded for centuries. fourriversl 15682743447855800685636484176014.jpg Biblical reference to Pishon in Sirach 24:25 of Apocrypha connects Hebrew root, puwsh  means "scatter, press on break loose, spring forward. Second river Gihon encompassing all land of Cush is Ethiopia. Gihon Blue Nile in Lake Tana in Ethiopia meets White Nile in Khartoum, Sudan, together forms river flowing all the way to Egypt. David Kimchi, 12th-century bible commentator said Gihon means "to diverge," symbolizes tributarie's divergent of Blue Nile Ethiopia. Four rivers, Pishon, Gichon, Chidekel by Perat flow from same source in the Garden of Eden. Chidekel River in Iraq in Aramaic Diglas, Tigris Dicle in Turkish and Dijla in Arabic is in Assyria by  upper Tigris River.  Perat i s the Euphrates River parallel to Tigris of the fertile crescent civilization in ancient times. Euphrates in Greek old Persian Ufrātu  Akkadian Purattu al-Furāt  in Arabic. Euphrates river to Israel through Promised Jewish land's civilization spread tribe of Reuben  lived near banks of Euphrates. Pishon river in Egypt is Pishon encompassing all land of Havilah of gold and onyx stones. Rashi biblical commentator on says Pishon is Nile River. The word Pishon is gushing forth overflowing symbolizes Nile River overflowing to irrigate land of Egypt. Pishon in Hebrew is pishtan flax in ancient Egyptian flax industry waters the Nile river. Havilah in Nile region of Egypt and Sudan is Egyptian gold mine precious stones in pre-dynastic ancient times Nubia, modern-day southern Egypt and Sudan. Pishon in Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Names defines Pishon as a "Great Diffusion. Scientists think Pishon is Nile topography before worldwide flood in Genesis 6:17 is totally different from today. Pishon's description and purpose for Garden of Eden God is prepared a bountiful lush beautiful place. Rich with living waters, precious metals, jewels, gold, onyx of River Pishon same tabernacle furnishing, priestly garment in Exodus 25:1-9, 1 Chronicles 29:2. Gold sacred furniture tabernacle in Exodus 25:11. Onyx stone has priestly ephod names twelve tribes in Exodus 28 :9-14 high priest's breastplate in Exodus 28:20. Havilah land of Pishon's presence is blessing of God so four rivers from Eden mark God's boundaries of Abraham lands in Genesis 15:18. God called prepared, assigned Eden for Adam's care in paradise Canaan land given to Abraham and his descendants and to all nation's converts. fourriversl Havilah in Genesis 2:11-12 flows around the whole land of Egypt. Havilah in Genesis 10:7 are sons of Cush, Kush, Seba, Sabtah Joktan. Havilah in Genesis 10:29 is part of Ophir son of Ham. Genesis 11:29 son of Shem, Genesis 25:18 lived in desert of Havilah to Shur. In 1 Samuel 15:7 Saul killed the Amalekites, from Havilah to Shur. In 1 Chronicles 1:23 Ophir, Havilah, Jobab son of Joktan descendants of Shem Babylonia rule. People rename their residential  localities after places of origin to connect to their past. Like Memphis in Egypt and USA or New / York and Birmingham in Alabama from Birmingham UK. Chelsea in America, Orleans: New Orleans, Hollywood and New / Zealand. People relocate a name to new places of old city town. Kunta Kinte called Napolis river Cambybolongo to trace his roots to Gambia in West Africa so places connect tribes in Bible. Havilah spans from Babylon to Egypt of Ishamaelite traders who bought and kept Joseph to Kush in Ethiopia. Nations once ruled by Babylon and Ethiopia connect routes to settlements by ancestry so  is reason why original Havilah is associated with Cush in Babylon. A Holden and Graben faulting at southern end of present Dead Sea ancient Gihon and Pison rivers. By Red Sea in Ethiopia is through Rift basins south Afar Triangle territory descendants of Havilah's Cush eat the identical fish species from sea. African Rift valley river, lake system similar Jordan River system. The waters originated through Jerusalem in Israel as Gihon spring by sea of Tiberius. River confluence origins branched out southeast by the Rift north to  south. Gardens of God parallel to Abraham's all Covenant lands from Euphrates to Nile regions. Source of the Nile is Jinja in Eastern Uganda local river Lake Victoria. Dr David Livingstone saw black male Jews, menorah tattooed, a wine cup, river flowing at back of shoulder. They practiced Jewish culture, circumcision, sabbath part of God's Israel covenant. Eden extends to Lebanon region location rivers. God considers the lands of Israel HIS Holy land and mountains in " land of Moriah " in Genesis 22:2 Abraham is told to sacrifice son Isaac as a type of the LORD'S sacrifice of Jesus. In2 Samuel 5 : 6-10 David captured Jerusalem Canaanite Jebusites in c.1004BC. made his capital Jerusalem, lived in Fortress of Zion in City of David. Jebusite wall is still in City of David today. David and his men in Jerusalem city in the north-south ridge Ophel south of Temple Mount. David's men took climbing through narrow vertical shaft sloping water tunnel of Gihon Springs outside city wall fortified top of Ophel Hill. David renamed upper Milo Mount Zion. The
ancient underground water system Warren Shaft tunnel entered by spiral staircase top of Ophel Hill. Downhill is Gihon Springon floor of Kidron Valley. After David resided in Jerusalem the water from Gihon Spring led south via shallow trench covered with huge stones of pool near Tyropoean Valley Kidron Valley. A lower pool Birket el-Hamra King's Pool trench connects with the Gihon Spring Siloam Channel. Then 300 years later, King Hezekiah of Judah fortified Jerusalem by building sloping tunnel by the Gihon Spring hillside new Upper Pool protect Jerusalem's  water supply from seige. Siloam Upper and Lower Channels Hezekiah's Tunnel existing today. Solomon was made a king by Gihon river build Temple at Jerusalem on Mount Moriah Israel in 2 Chronicles 3:1.Jerusalem place Lord Jesus is crucified. God sacrificed animals to cover Adam and Eve with skin in Genesis 3:21 as Lamb's Blood covers sins in Revelation 13:8. Adam and Eve at center of Garden of God geographically in Jerusalem source of four Rivers. In days of Adam and Eve a " mist " went up and watered face of Earth in Garden in Genesis 2:6. Fountains of underground waters pressure gush upward source of mist from four rivers. Modern-day geology, topography of Middle-East reveals exact location of four Garden of Eden rivers. FourRivers(l).jpg 1552861504825434421470.jpgBible sources reveals four rivers confirms the present day Israel is the central location of Garden of Eden. The lands God promised Israel in Genesis 15:18 to Abraham, "To your descendants I give lands from river of Egypt to great river Euphrates." God confirms this promise to Abraham's son Isaac and Isaac's son Jacob whose name changed into Israel. Israelites to reclaim the promised Land God promised in Joshua 1:4, "Your territory will extend from desert to Lebanon from great river Euphrates to all the Hittite country to the Great Sea on west. According to Genesis 15:18 and Joshua 1:4 this lands God gave to Israel from Euphrates and Tigris in Kuwait, Lebanon, Nile River in Egypt Mediterranean sea rivers in East Africa. ALMIGHTY GOD is patent owner of land entrusted to Israel as stewards. Modern Israel possesses few lands of the West Bank, Gaza, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, or Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Israel fraction of God's land promised in ancient history of Israel of covenant nations in Bible. Exiles, captivities by God let the other nations settled on HIS PROMISED LAND a season till HE DECIDES to take it all back. These nations in conflicts of territories continue to change boundaries but God will take it back in Armageddon. Its Wrath of God unleashed for no compromise reached to live side by side in peace. Since no deal is acceptable to either parties God will takes it all back and put HIS Son Jesus on Throne of David in Israel. All Messianic Jews who accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour and all nations are God's Children who join God's Kingdom in eternal Millineal REIGN of Jesus in Jerusalem in Israel. Communities of "Lost Tribes of Israel" traced by ancient Silk route Ten Northern Tribes of Israel followed dispersed by Assyrians in 722 B.C. So Jewish Voice helps the lost tribe's community group of Jewish people in Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda. FourRivers(l).jpg IMG_20190307_131208.jpg 15527242841261871564864.jpg IMG_20190316_201652.jpg 1552767803349434421470.jpg 1552837820475434421470.jpg 1552838098823434421470.jpg IMG-20190317-WA0002.jpg Jews in diaspora in Ethiopia where Eunuch travel to Jerusalem for three times in a year during feasts in Israel. Ethiopia mentioned a few times in news of countries unlike Egypt, Libya, Syria or Iran but Bible talks of a past and future of Ethiopia. Ethiopia's influential "king of South," in Daniel 11:42-43. Although strong relying on own strength is defeated. Bible shows Ethiopia will play an important role in future world affairs. Present role or status of Ethiopia not to be underestimated. Ethiopia is second-most populous nation in Africa with over 85.2 million people. Africa divided by Europeans at Berlin Conference, Ethiopia is one of two countries to retaining independence. One of four African member League of Nations with brief period Italian occupation. Ethiopia is a charter member of United Nations of  African nations received independence after World War II so adopted colours of Ethiopia's flag. And Addis Ababa Ethiopia capital is location of international organizations of Africa. Ethiopia a founding member of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), G-77, Organisation of African Unity (OAU). Addis Ababa is the headquarters of African Union, Nile Basin Commission, Pan-African Chamber of Commerce (PACCI) and UNECA. The country is one most powerful militaries in Africa. Addis Ababa is headquarter of the continental African Standby Force (ASF). So Ethiopia is top coffee and honey-producing country in Africa, home to largest livestock population in Africa. Ethiopia has historical ties to all three of world's major Abrahamic faiths. Is one of first Christian countries in the world to officially adopt Christianity in 4th century has Christian majority a third of population is Muslim. The Gihon Springs in Jerusalem is sacred as chosen for Solomon's coronation in 1 Kings 1:38. A priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah son of Jehoiada to king David who said to them, "Take with you the servants of your lord and put Solomon my son ride on my mule and take him to Gihon. Let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king over Israel; blow the horn, and say, 'Long live King Solomon!' Come up after him, and he shall sit on my throne, as king in my place. I appoint him as ruler over Israel and Judah." Benaiah son of Jehoiada answered the king and said, "Amen! May the LORD  God of my lord the king say so. As the LORD is with my lord the king so may HE be with Solomon. And make his throne greater than throne of my lord King David." Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, Benaiah son of Jehoiada, Cherethites and Pelethites had Solomon ride on King David's mule and took him to Gihon. Zadok the priest took horn of oil from tabernacle to anoint Solomon. They blew the horn and all people said, long live King Solomon and after him and the people played flutes and rejoiced with great joy, so the earth shook with their sound. …Our lord king David made Solomon king so anointed at Gihon. They went from there rejoicing to city in uproar with noise heard. So Solomon sar on throne of kingdom. So king's servants bless our lord King David, saying, 'May God make the name of Solomon better than your name to make his throne greater than your throne.' The king bowed himself on his bed said, 'Blessed be the LORD God of Israel who put me on throne this day my eyes saw it. In 2 Chronicles 33:14 Hezekiah built aqueduct in Gihon to stop the enemies invading city in 2 Chronicles 32:30 of Siloam Gihon spring in Jerusalem in Israel. King David, Solomon, Zadok the priest, Nathan a prophet, Benaiah son of Jehoiada, Cherethites, Pelethites and Israelites present at Solomon's coronation know Gihon Spring river's exists as Moses wrote in Bible and God trusts Moses with 10 commandments. Jesus said in John 5:39 – 47, 'You search Scriptures as you think in them you have eternal life. If you believe in Moses you will believe in me Moses wrote of me. If you don't believe in Moses writings how can you believe in Me? A highly educated Prince Moses knew terrain of four rivers including the Gihon andPison rivers in East Africa. 15492009418361050413306.jpg fourriversl 1552861504825434421470.jpg 1552818698634434421470.jpg 1552767594614434421470.jpg 1552886028966-213278997.jpg 15671010153512288185741915847421.jpg Ethiopia has Africa's biggest gold deposits, and hydropower potential source. Over 85% of total Nile water flow contains rich soil so Ethiopia is biggest economy in East Africa, one of the fastest growing in the world. Its regional powerhouse is Horn of east Africa. Ethiopia Abyssinia, descended from "Cush." In Bible Concordance "Cush" means black so descendants of Cush in all parts of the world Ezekiel 38 and 39 in Bible history prophesy on Ethiopia. Cush, son of Ham, one of three sons of Noah in Genesis 10:6. Cush is father of Nimrod in Genesis 10:8-12. Genesis 10:7 is grandfather of Sheba's father Raamah. The famous queen of South is Queen of Sheba to visit King Solomon tests his intelligence and wisdom. Queen of Ethiopia is in Bible in 1 Kings 10:1-13; 2 Chronicles 9:1-12; Matthew 12:42; Luke 11:31. Queen of Sheba is known in history records Queen Makeda, Empress of Axum. The Royal house of Ethiopia under King and Emperor Haile Selassi from 1892-1975 are descendants of the union between King Solomon and the Queen of the South. One of royal titles of Haile Selassi is "king of Judah." Three royal sons princes three royal daughters or princesses of the late emperor still alive. Moses married Ethiopian woman in Numbers 12:1. In reign of King Solomon's son a king of Egypt attacks Judah with help of Ethiopia because Judah so greatly sinned against God in 2 Chronicles 12:1-3. Zerah the Ethiopian and army attacked Judah under King Asa a righteous king, God helped Judah in 2 Chronicles 14:8-13; 16:8. Isaiah is given prophecy proclaim defeat of Egypt, Ethiopia by King Sargon of Assyria in Isaiah 20:1-6. fourriversl cush1.jpg Jeremiah was imprisoned and thrown into a dungeon because of message of impending defeat of Jerusalem by Babylonians. Ebed-Melech, Ethiopian eunuch rescues Jeremiah was rewarded by God in Jeremiah 38:6-13; 39:15-18. Persian king Xerxes I in the book of Esther, king Ahasuerus married Esther so reigns over Ethiopia in Esther 1:1; 8:9. In the New Testament Ethiopian eunuch of great authority of Candace queen of Ethiopian in charge of all her treasury came to Jerusalem to worship in Acts 8:27. God sent Philip to baptize him returned to Ethiopia "rejoicing" in Acts 8:39. In Nahum 3:9 Ethiopia, Egypt and Put (Libya) Iraq Nineveh help Babylon. So Assyria leadership prior to destruction of Nineveh Ethiopia will help modern Nineveh fight against Israel and Judah during time of the "day of the LORD" and prior to Christ's return. Ethiopians are described as "mighty men" of war in Bible in Jeremiah 46:9-10. Alliances change in wars as modern king of Babylon will attack and conquer Egypt and Ethiopia in Ezekiel 30:1-9; 29:10; Isaiah 18:1-6. In Zephaniah 2:12, Ethiopians slain by the sword. In Daniel 11:42-43 modern king of Assyria Babylonia will rule over Ethiopians. Isaiah 11:11 time of Christ's return survivor descendants of houses of Israel and Judah enslaved in countries of Assyria (Germany), Egypt, Pathros(upper Egypt), Cush (Ethiopia) Elam (Iran) Shinar (Babylon) Genesis 10:10, Hamath, islands of sea. Hamath descendant Ham's son Canaan Cush brother  in Genesis 10:18. In Syria city of Hama is 200 km north of Damascus. Syria descendants of Noah's son Shem in Genesis 10:21-23; 22:20-21 not Noah's son Ham grandson of Canaan. These Survivors of Israel and Judah as captives in Ethiopia or countries mentioned. If Ethiopia fights Assyria against Israel or Assyria fights Ethiopia settles the Israelite captives there.FourRivers(l).jpgEthiopia id part of the army led by Russia to invade God's Promised Lands. Christ returns to rule and Reign on earth in Ezekiel 38:5 so God Supernaturally destroys hostile armies. Millennium surviving Ethiopians will turn to God. So God asks a question in Jeremiah 13:23: "Can an Ethiopian change his skin or leopard its spots?" The answer to question is "No," but God sees to it Ethiopians changes mind. God is no respecter of person so loves Ethiopia and Israel in Amos 9:7. God gives Ethiopia new heart and mind to understand. Isaiah 18:7 says to Ethiopia "Time to present with the LORD of hosts tall people of smooth of skin. People from the beginning powerful tread down land, rivers divide. To the place of the name of the LORD of hosts to Mount Zion in Isaiah 2:1-4; 45:14 merchandize of Cush Ethiopia Israel's property. Ethiopians come "in chains" worship God to recognize HIM as the only true God. Ethiopia, in Psalm 68:31 says "Envoys come out of Egypt and Ethiopia quickly stretches her hands to God after pain endured to a glorious time under Christ's Reign. No matter a person's colour, race, location, humans trace Mitochondrial DNA to Eve in Africa and Adam. So Garden of Eden extends from Africa into  Eastern parts Africa, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia. Changes in weather, desert, drought, wars, floods, cataracts affect Pishon White Nile and Gihon Blue Nile Garden of Eden lands of Ethiopia. Matthew preached in Ethiopia to make Jewish convert of Jesus lives there. fourriversl 15670927147571808113465177764769.jpg 15670943561933930112097596112003.jpg cush1.jpg 15680937128445736423114883221928.jpg 1552386125188142866407.jpgAircraft manufacturer Boeing face question over safety of 737 Max 8 jet ofEthiopia.  As airlines joined carriers in China grounded planes after a second fatal crash in months. The cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder recovered in a wreck of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 crashed Sunday killing all 157 people onboard. Investigators hope black box evidence explains plane crash six minutes' takeoff from Addis Ababa en route to Nairobi fell in field near Tulu Fara village outside town of Bishoftu is 40 miles (65km) south-east of Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa.


Genesis 2:13

The name of second river Gihon and third Pison encompasseth whole land of Ethiopia.

Kings-2 19:9

Heard Tirhakah king of Ethiopia came to fight against him so sent messengers again to Hezekiah.

Esther 1:1

In the days of Ahasuerus he reigned from India to Ethiopia, over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces.

Esther 8:9

The king's scribes called in third month, of month Sivan on the twenty third day was written all Mordecai commanded to the Jews, the lieutenants, deputies, rulers of the provinces from India to Ethiopia, a hundred twenty and seven provinces every province according to writing to all people in their languages and Jews according to the writing in their languages.

Job 28:19 Topaz of Ethiopia was not equal to it so was valued like pure gold.

Psalms 68:31

Princes will come out of Egypt, Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God.

Psalms 87:4

I make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre with Ethiopians born there.

Isaiah 18:1

Woe to the land shadowing with wings beyond the rivers of Ethiopia.

Isaiah 20:3

The LORD said that MY servant Isaiah walked naked and barefoot three years as a sign and wonder in Egypt and in Ethiopia.

Isaiah 20:5

They will be afraid and ashamed of Ethiopia their expectation and of Egypt their glory.

Isaiah 37:9

He heard Tirhakah king of Ethiopia has come to make war with him. Then he sent messengers to Hezekiah.

Isaiah 43:3

I AM the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel your Saviour: I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for you.

Isaiah 45:14

Thus saith the LORD the labour of Egypt and merchandise of Ethiopia, Sabeans, men of stature shall come to you and be your: they shall come in chains and fall down to you to make supplication that "Surely God is in you and there is no other God."

Ezekiel 29:10

I AM against you and your rivers. I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste so desolate from the tower of Syene to the border of Ethiopia.

Ezekiel 30:4

The sword shall come upon Egypt and a great pain in Ethiopia when the slain fall in Egypt. They shall take away her multitude and her foundations shall be broken down.

Ezekiel 30:5

Ethiopia, Libya, Lydia, and all mingled people, Chub and the men of the land in league shall fall with them by sword.

Ezekiel 38:5

Persia, Ethiopia and Libya, with all of them with shield and helmet.

Nahum 3:9

Ethiopia, Egypt's infinite strength, Put and Lubim were your helpers.

Zephania 3:10

Beyond the rivers of Ethiopia suppliants and the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering.

Acts 8:27

He rose and went and saw an Ethiopian eunuch a man of great authority under Candace queen of Ethiopians in charge of all her treasure came Jerusalem to worship God.


20201209_211323India used to be next to Madagascar on old ancient maps pangea teutonic plates shifted India and Australia to their current location. Jawara Africans in India and the Sidis can do DNA in the Southern and Eastern African regions to locate ancetral roots. Original tribes moved due to famines, wars or captivity. Jawara moved in a pangea into India. Their cultural practices synchronize with most of Southern African traditions and dances. Anthropologists can help trace ancient tribes, culture languages in the region, can be studied. Africa still has forest dwellers exactly like Jawara Indians. They do not wear modern clothes but forage for food, hunt with spears. Others were also captured and sold by the Arab slave traders in the past. Due to India cast system not well integrated in the urban lifestyle of societies.

Courtesy Images: Excerpts Reblogged Updated

Professor Tudor Parfitt, ' Secrets of Bible' Lost Tribes of Israel, Ethiopia, African black Jews Lemba, from Sena Yemen by sea to South Africa and Zimbabwe

Bruder E, Black Jews Africa Amazon Bk.

Jewish Voice of Jews&Gentile Christians

Papua New Guinea Gogodala black Jews Henry Louis Gates Jr, PBS, Africa's Great Civilisations Exploration, Nubia, Cushite gold, Ivory Cuneiform Hieroglyphics

Black Jews, The Roots of The Olive Tree

The Yibir Black Jews of Somaliland

Black Jews of Ghana and Igbo of Nigeria , Toronto Jewish Film Festival.

Spielberg Jewish Film Archive – Jewish journeys : South Africa: Blacks …

Jewish journeys: South Africa: Blacks, Jews & Whites Year: 1986

Blacks and Jews | POV | PBS

Black Jews: The Roots of the Olive Tree – Film Society of Lincoln Center

Laurence Gavron's Film, Black Judaism African community of Cameroon.

Revised KingsJames Bible Version

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The Living History of Ancient Israel

Ancient Israel in Jewish Palestine Maps

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Where Is The Garden Of Eden Ethiopia


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